This faucet has a water consumption rate of 2.2 gallons per minute. It translates to a water flow rate of 1.8 gallons per minute.
One hole is narrow/wide enough to spew water at a good pressure. The single lever-type handle is center-set. The spout’s elegance is perhaps drawn from its curvaceous shape. The handle is rather solid since it’s made out of durable brass, although coated with a chrome finish.
This is the cheapest of the featured pull-out faucets (the best ones that are). By no means is this an indication of any lack of quality, though. It weighs 4.8 pounds with dimensions measuring 20.8 x 12.5 x 2.9 inches. This info will come in handy for installation. The installation method is a deck-mounted one. You’ll be able to fit it into most one/three-hole sinks since it comes inclusive of a deck plate.
This faucet comes with a deck plate. It is very handy because it makes it fit just about any type of one/three-hole sink. The sprout has a high-arc profile which gives the user ample clearance and reaches. It is a feature that works very well with the functionality of the 180 degrees swivel achieved. Great access all around the entire sink. Thus, no positioning and repositioning of whatever it is you’re cleaning, filling, or rinsing.
There’s a 38-inch pull-out hose made out of tough stuff, nylon. This means it’s not only strong but also very flexible and quiet to operate. Also, it has a conveniently integrated toggle-button which is used to change between the stream modes or spray modes. It all happens very seamlessly as well.
This faucet features a good value that operates without any leaks. It opens and closes easily as well.
The feel of the faucet is that of a unit which is very well-assembled, whether you’re holding it in your hands prior to mounting or indeed if it has already been mounted and you’re busy operating it without much thought really. The operation runs very smoothly and this applies to all its features and functions.
Going back to the visual appeal, it’s perhaps a matter of preference. The spray hose could perhaps look a bit better. However, any tweaking and tampering of this rounded shower-head type design would probably make it look like it belonged in a bathroom as opposed to the kitchen. That said, in terms of functionality this design works perfectly. It features some black-meshing which makes it conveniently light. This is something you only really notice if you’ve perhaps previously had an older faucet installed or if you just have another one to compare this one with. One which would otherwise have a connector hose made of steel.
The aerator and the sprayer both function well and get the job done. The sprayer boasts some flexible bumps which make it easy to clean. The aerator pumps air right into the solid water stream, which somehow makes the water taste better, for some reason.
Since the brass is of high quality and is nice and solid, you can pretty much count on never having to cash in on the lifetime warranty which comes with this faucet. The supply lines are solid and strong since they’re made of nylon and, as mentioned, the texturing makes it easy to clean.